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Order Lakshmi Hrudayam book from Amazon hereīy chanting Lakshmi Narayana hrudayam stotram one can get blessings from Lord Narayana and Goddess Lakshmi and attain wealth, prosperity, and success.Devi Stotram – Names of Goddess Lakshmi Stotram Lyrics in Kannada: ಓಂ ಪ್ರಕೃತ್ಯೈ ನಮಃ ಓಂ ವಿಕೃತ್ಯೈ ನಮಃ ಓಂ ವಿದ್ಯಾಯೈ ನಮಃ. Sri Lakshmi Narayana Stotram has four parts Lakshmi Narayana is the god who appears with Goddess Lakshmi Devi. Goddess Lakshmi Devi is the goddess of Fortune, wealth, and fertility. Lord Vishnu is responsible for sustainance of life on the universe. Lord Narayana or Lord Vishnu is one among the trimurthulu.
#Sri lakshmi narayana hrudayam mp3 pdf download
Sri Lakshmi Hrudayam Stotram PDF download available below. If not possible to find a guru, it is better to go to a temple of Hayagreeva Swamy temple along with Lakshmi Devi and offer prayers. This stotram should be taught by a Guru who can teach the pronunciation of the stotram and is able to empower the stotram. The right way to read Sri Lakshmi Narayana stotram is to read Narayana Hrudayam first followed by Lakshmi Hrudayam and then Narayana Hrudayam again. As the instructions in the prayer tells that this stotram should not be taught indiscriminately, the stotram is kept as a secret. Sri Lakshmi Narayana stotram is found in Atharva Rahasya. Sri Lakshmi Narayana Stotram has two parts namely Narayana Hrudayam and Lakshmi hrudayam.